
In 1994, Pathologists Overseas collaborated with Patan Hospital in Kathmandu, which was one of only three hospitals providing surgical pathology services in Nepal at the time. The hospital was jointly administered by the Nepalese government and the United Mission to Nepal (UMN), and Dr. Yuji Kimula, a missionary from Japan, was the only pathologist on staff. PO recruited volunteer pathologists to continuously cover Dr. Kimula’s service during a one-year leave of absence, and also provided intermittent volunteers for the next five years. 

In 1996, Prof. H. G. Shrestha established a Pathology post-graduate training program at the Tribuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH).  Since that time, they have graduated three to four pathologists each year and one of the graduates of this program, Dr. Bandana Sigdel, is currently the onsite pathologist at Patan Hospital. This project was entirely supported by participating volunteers.   

Mark Brown